Although more manual than virtual appliance tools, this method provides the greatest control over building JeOS. 尽管与虚拟设备工具相比涉及更多人为干预,但这种方法对构建JeOS提供更大的控制。
Whereas the depot shall also house the operations control centre building, the operation of the depot will be managed from separate buildings, namely the depot administration building and the various maintenance offices, warehouses and sheds on the depot grounds. 但是车辆段也覆盖了操作控制中心大楼,该车辆段的运行由单独的大楼管理,即车辆段行政楼和各个车辆段地面上的维修办公室、仓库和工棚。
Summary of Energy Saving Control on Building HVAC Water Chiller System in Taiwan 台湾地区建筑物空调系统冷水机组节能控制研究现状综述
The construction project construction cost management's core lies in reasonable definite and the active control building cost of projects, the goal lies in raises the project benefit. 建设工程造价管理的核心在于合理确定和有效控制工程造价,目标在于提高工程效益。
Creation of efficient and safe industrial building space& design of blast-resistant central control building in Nanhai petrochemical project 创造高效安全的工业建筑空间&南海石化项目抗爆中央控制室建筑设计
A Design Plan for Optimizing the Structure to Control the Building Cost of Residence 优化结构设计方案控制住宅建设成本
Concentrative Air-Conditioning System Design for Centre Control Building in Fossil Fuel Power Plants 集中控制楼,中央控制楼;调度集中所(楼)火力发电厂集控楼集中式空调系统设计
Research of Mobile Robot Navigation Control in Building Environments 楼宇环境中移动机器人的导航控制技术研究
On the whole procedure cost management and control of building engineering 浅谈建设工程全过程造价管理与控制
Beginning with measurement of thermal insulation and solar control of building envelopes, this paper mainly states how to meet the demands of energy conservation technology of civilian building. 本文主要从建筑物外围护结构的保温隔热措施着手,简述如何实现民用建筑的节能要求。
Structure Form Selection of the Valve Hall and Control Building of ± 800 kV DC Converter Station ±800kV换流站阀厅和主控楼结构选型
Preparations for the opening of the new Hong Kong International Airport ( HKIA) at Chek Lap Kok were proceeding at full steam. The Air Traffic Control Complex building was completed in February. 与赤?角新香港国际机场启用有关的各项准备工作正全速进行:航空交通管制大楼在二月落成;
In view of this precision control in building a ships hull, it is of great importance to know how to calculate appropriate compensation amounts. 从船体建造精度控制的技术层面上看,如何能合理准确地给出船体零部件的补偿量,是船体建造精度控制方法需要研究的重要课题之一。
A System of Cistern Water Level Detection and Pump Automation Control on Building 楼宇水塔水位检测与抽水自动控制系统
Control Building Forms from the Angle of Urban Shape Circumstance 从城市体形环境的角度控制建筑形态&山地城市旧城改造中建筑形态控制研究
Failure Mechanism and Its Control of Building Structures Under Earthquakes Based on System Concept 基于系统概念的建筑结构地震破坏机制和破坏过程的控制
Design and Construction of Prestressed Floor in Guiyang Second Long distance Telecommunication Control Building 贵阳第二长途电信枢纽楼预应力楼盖设计与施工
Based on the problems in the current seismic monitoring work, this paper elaborated on how to improve exploration control by building up smart and meticulous management and operation system. 从当前地震项目管理存在的问题入手,阐述了建立精干高效的管理体制和运行机制,有效运用精细化管理,才能不断提高勘探项目管理水平。
Supervision management and quality control of building energy saving project 建筑节能工程的监督管理与质量控制
Key Technology Problems of Seepage Control for Building High Concrete Face Rockfill Dam 高面板堆石坝渗流控制关键技术问题探讨
12.3 general lightning protection for control room building will be provided as per standards. 12.3按标准提供控制室建筑的一般雷电保护。
In this paper, how to effectively control building cost under the current situation is discussed, due to that the engineers take part into project management only in the stage of construction. 就现行建筑市场中,监理工程师在实施阶段才介入项目管理的情况下如何有效进行造价控制进行了探讨。并以某项目为例指出监理工程师在造价控制工作中应该注意的问题。
A Designing Application By Using The Cement Mixing Pile To Control Building Settlement 采用水泥搅拌桩控制建筑物沉降的设计应用实例
The actual results show that above measures can insure the secondary system equipments in control building running reliably and safety. 采取以上措施后,保证了主控楼的设备安全可靠地运行。
New Control Building Systems for Wind and Earthquake Vibration 抗震抗风振动控制建筑新体系
Meanwhile, delimits the sky-line for lake area by using the visual perspective, control building's altitude, to avoids the high buildings influence the natural scenery. 并且运用视觉透视规律划定毗邻湖区的城市天际轮廓线,控制高层建筑高度,避免对自然山水形态的视觉冲击。
This paper discusses the method for fast static positioning with GPS single-frequency recievers and how to establish the fourth-class control network in the fields of highway exploring, mining area control building, etc. 文章讨论了单频GPS接收机快速静态定位方法,并就其在公路勘测、矿区控制网建立等应用领域如何快速建立IV等控制网作了有效的探讨。
Research on Energy-Saving Control in Building Automation System 楼宇自控系统中节能控制的研究
Research on the Precision of Control Building Length in Marine Pipe Loft 管系放样中下料长度精确控制方法的研究
Undoubtedly, the two new control building systems have a bright future in, application. 本文所述的两种抗震抗风振动控制建筑新体系将会有广泛的应用前景。